2023: Sue Roffey: ASPIRE to a better future: The Impact of the Pandemic on Young People, and Options for Schools Post-COVID-19. Education Sciences, 2023, 13, 623
2021: Ziggi Ivan Santini, Veronica Pisinger, Line Nielsen, Katrine Rich Madsen, Malene Kubstrup Nelausen, Ai Koyanagi, Vibeke Koushede, Sue Roffey, Lau Thygesen & Charlotte Meilstrup: Social Disconnectedness, Loneliness, and Mental Health Among Adolescents in Danish High Schools: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 15
2019: Sue Roffey, Christopher Boyle & Kelly-Ann Allen: School belonging – Why are our students longing to belong to school?, Guest Editorial, Educational & Child Psychology, 36(2)
2019: Brenda Dobia, Roberto Parada, Sue Roffey & Madelaine Smith: Social and emotional learning: From individual skills to class cohesion, Educational & Child Psychology, 36(2)
2017: Sue Roffey: The ASPIRE Principles and Pedagogy for the Implementation of Social and Emotional Learning and the Development of Whole School Well-Being, in International Journal of Emotional Education, 9(2): 59-71
2017: Sue Roffey: ‘Ordinary magic’ needs ordinary magicians: The power and practice of positive relationships for building youth resilience and wellbeing, in Kognition & Pædagogik 103 (Spring 2017) – Danish version can be found here: http://dpf.dk/produkt/tidsskrift/kognition-paedagogik-nr-103
2016: Sue Roffey: Building a case for whole-child, whole-school wellbeing in challenging contexts, in Educational and Child Psychology 33 (2)
2016: Anne Greig, Tommy MacKay, Sue Roffey & Antony Williams: Guest editorial: The Changing Context for Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools in Educational and Child Psychology 33 (2)
2015: Sue Roffey: Becoming an agent of change for school and student wellbeing, in Educational and Child Psychology 32 (1)
2014: Anne Greig, Charmian Hobbs & Sue Roffey: Education & Child Psychology, 31(1), Empowering Young People: Editorial
2014: Brenda Dobia, Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews, Roberto Parada, Virginia O’Rourke, Shirley Gilbert, Annie Daley & Sue Roffey: Aboriginal Girls Circle: enhancing connectedness and promoting resilience for Aboriginal girls: Final Pilot Report
2013: Sue Roffey & Florence McCarthy: Circle Solutions: a philosophy and pedagogy for learning positive relationships. What promotes and inhibits sustainable outcomes? in International Journal of Emotional Education, 5 (1) 36-55
2013: Sue Roffey: Inclusive and exclusive belonging – the impact on individual and community well-being, in Educational and Child Psychology 30 (1)
2012: Sue Roffey: Pupil wellbeing – Teacher wellbeing: Two sides of the same coin? in Educational and Child Psychology 29 (4)
2011: Sue Roffey: Enhancing Connectedness in Australian Children & Young People in Asian Journal of Counselling, 18 (1 & 2) 15-39. Reprinted here with permission from AJC.
2010: Sue Roffey: Content and context for learning about relationships: A cohesive framework for individual and whole school development in Educational and Child Psychology 27 (1). Sue co-edited this special issue on In-school Relationships and their Outcomes. You can download all 12 articles here.
2009: Robyn Hromek & Sue Roffey: Games as a pedagogy for social and emotional learning. ‘Its fun and we learn things’ Simulation and Gaming 40 (5) 626 – 644
2008: Toni Noble, Helen McGrath, Sue Roffey & Louise Rowling: A Scoping Study on Student Wellbeing Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR), Australian Commonwealth Government
2008: Sue Roffey: Emotional literacy and the ecology of school wellbeing in Educational and Child Psychology 25 (2) 29-39
Sue co-edited this special issue on Psychological Wellbeing.
2007: Sue Roffey: Transformation and emotional literacy: The role of school leaders in developing a caring community, in Leading and Managing 13 (1) 16 – 30
2005: Sue Roffey: Respect in Practice: the challenge of emotional literacy in education. Peer reviewed paper for AARE conference (Australian Association for Research in Education)
2005: Sue Roffey & Michelle Nemec: Emotional literacy and whole school change. Australian Association for Research in Education.
2004: Sue Roffey: The home-school interface for behaviour: A conceptual framework for co-constructing reality, in Educational and Child Psychology 21 (4) 95-108
2000: Sue Roffey: Addressing Bullying: Organisational Factors from Policy to Practice in Educational and Child Psychology 17 (1)
1997: Sue Roffey, Tony Tarrant & Karen Majors: Friends, who needs them? in Educational and Child Psychology 14